The Green Lizard Room
The legacy of the ‘Green Lizard Room’ stems from one of Birdsville’s hottest summers on record. Extensive flooding had isolated the town from all directions and, consequently, the pub ran out of beer. There was however, copious quantities of Crème de Menthe and lemonade, and so ‘Green Lizards’ became the only alcoholic drink available.
The story goes that during one of the hottest summers on record, Birdsville residents kept cool by visiting the waterhole at night where swimming, music, poetry, yarns, and drinking ‘Green Lizards’ were the order of the day. The drink’s popularity was such that a group was formed called the Green Lizard League by prominent locals.
Invitation to league had prospective new members rolling through an open window of the pub onto a mattress placed in front of assembled members and declaring why they had come to Birdsville. After drinking a Green Lizard, they were in!
Today, the Green Lizard Room pays homage to the ‘League’ with an occasional meeting still held. Visitors can read all about it in more detail on the wall of the Green Lizard Room.