Getting to Birdsville by Air
Only Rex Airlines fly commercially into Birdsville from Brisbane on their twice a week ‘milk run’, carrying supplies, mail and passengers.
Other flight charter companies also regularly visit Birdsville as part of organised outback tours. Alternatively, and if you’re a pilot, you can fly yourself and taxi your plane to park right opposite the hotel.
Airlines that regularly fly into Birdsville
Air Central West (ex Longreach)
AirCruising (ex various Australian locations)
Kirkhope Aviation (ex Moorabbin)
Outback Spirit Tours (ex Sydney)
Regional Express (ex Brisbane, Toowoomba, Charleville, Quilpie, Windorah and Mt Isa)
Seair Pacific Touring (ex Gold Coast and Hervey Bay)
SouthWest Air Service (ex Charleville)
Travel West (ex Brisbane, Toowoomba, Charleville)
Wrightsair (ex William Creek)